Minggu, 03 Agustus 2008

2008: Characterization of three strains of giant gouramy (Osphronemus gouramy Lac) based on truss morphometrics method

by Lies Setijaningsih, Otong Zenal Arifin and Rudhy Gustiano

Objectives of the study is to clarify morphometric characters of three giant gouramy strains based on the truss morphometric method. The highest index similarity within strain was in Bastar strain (87.0%) and the lowest was in Blue strain (73.7%). The highest index similarity between strains was between Blue Safir and Bastar strain (15.8%) and the lowest was between Bastar and Blue Safir (4.3%). The correlation value of gouramy characters (combined male and female) tend to close male characters. Five characters (B5, A3, A6, A2, C1) enabled to be used as discriminators on gouramy.

Seminar Nasional Ikhtiologi ke V, pada 3 Juni 2008, Institute Pertanian Bogor(IPB)

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