Lies Setijaningsih, Otong Zenal Arifin dan Rudhy Gustiano
Objective of the study is to examine the strain of Red NIFI and Black Chitralada of Nile tilapine based on the morphometric characters in order to find out specific characters for identification. Standard measurement and truss morphometrics were used on two stages of fingerling (I and II) and the young breeder. Each stage of fish used 50 samples. Data was analyzed by discriminant analyses to classify the different strain. In general, the results showed that the increasing ages of fish tend to increase morphometric differences between Red NIFI and Black Chitralada. The mean of square canonic correlation on various stages indicated that the highest score was 0.9825. The ages of fish influence the truss characters to be stronger to separate the strains. The various ages have different characters as the best discriminators.
Objective of the study is to examine the strain of Red NIFI and Black Chitralada of Nile tilapine based on the morphometric characters in order to find out specific characters for identification. Standard measurement and truss morphometrics were used on two stages of fingerling (I and II) and the young breeder. Each stage of fish used 50 samples. Data was analyzed by discriminant analyses to classify the different strain. In general, the results showed that the increasing ages of fish tend to increase morphometric differences between Red NIFI and Black Chitralada. The mean of square canonic correlation on various stages indicated that the highest score was 0.9825. The ages of fish influence the truss characters to be stronger to separate the strains. The various ages have different characters as the best discriminators.
Seminar Nasional Ikhtiologi ke V, pada 3 Juni 2008, Institute Pertanian Bogor(IPB)
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