Kamis, 21 Mei 2009

BLACK vs RED, BEST nile tilapia

Growth Performance Of The Black (BEST) and Red (Red NIFI) Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus L) under Separate Rearing Condition

Otong Zenal Arifin, Gleni Hasan Huwoyon and Rudhy Gustiano

Black and red are common two color morphs of nile tilapia cultured in Indonesia. In some species of fish, color has contribution on the growth performance as well as the market price. The objective of study was to elucidate performance of the black (BEST) and red (Red NIFI) nile tilapia under separate rearing condition. Initial weight of black color morph was 4.0 ± 1.13 g and 4.6 ± 1.67 g for the red one. The fish were reared in 1 m net placed in concrete tanks with density 65 fish per cage net with 4 replications for each color morph. During rearing period fish fed with commercial pellet 5% body weight a day. Observation was done every 10 days up to 30 days. Growth was observed by weighting 20 fish per each cage net. The results showed that black color (BEST) had better performance significantly (P ± 0.31 g) and specific growth rate (P ± 0.012 g/day). The differences between two colors phenotypes have been started significantly after 20 days ring period.

World Ocean Conference (WOC), Mei 2009

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